Chris Tatalias Master Guitar Builder

In the 70’s and 80’s a young Chris Tatalias looked up to the guitar legends. It was only natural for the aspiring talent to notice their modified guitars. In California, Chris started working for Hosono Guitar Works building guitars and acquiring the skills and knowledge to become a Luthier. After some time he was ready to return home to hone his skills by working as a full-time luthier. It was at this time that the idea of Tatalias Guitars started to come to fruition.

From 2007 Tatalias began to develop his own guitar models. The debut of his signature line at the “Farmington Valley” Guitar show in 2012 was so well received Tatalias Guitars was invited to the 2013 “Life is Beautiful” festival in Las Vegas, this time debuting the brand on a national level. Since then, his craftsmanship and mastery of technique for the sole purpose of making guitars has only grown. He has perfected his designs and improved his processes to keep up with the demands for his works of art. Chris’ vision has touched and continues to touch many musicians in all genres from rock, blues, jazz, country, to metal. No matter what genre you play, it sounds better with a Tatalias guitar.

Our Team

Roger Eberlin

Online Sales Manager

Diego Bernard

Visual Director

Pawel Kostyk


To Place An Order For In Stock Models or For Custom Builds Feel Free To Contact Us: